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Are You Ready for a Weather Emergency?

Between bushfires, floods, storms, and more, Australia is constantly being faced with dangerous weather events, that too quickly can turn to an emergency. Which is why it’s important to ensure you know how to prepare, react, and keep yourself safe in these situations.


Keep Informed

Stay in-the-know about the weather forecast and any weather warnings issued within your area of residence by paying attention to announcements on the radio or television. Make sure that if you can’t do these things for yourself, that you have a loved one who can contact you if there’s need to worry and prepare for an emergency.


Create an Emergency Plan

To prevent yourself from making the wrong move in a stressful situation, make sure you have an emergency plan in place. By putting an emergency plan in place you won’t be forced to make decisions when your brain is in a panic. Instead you can rely on the steps you have already prepared. As well as setting out a plan for yourself and your household,  make sure you talk to your loved ones about what your plan is so they know how to help and where you are.

As part of your emergency plan it’s worth considering that even prior to an emergency, if you’ve been informed that a big storm is on the way or that the bushfire risk rating is extreme or catastrophic, it may be best to move somewhere safe, like a family member’s home, ahead of time when it’s still safe to do so.

The South Australian State Emergency Service (SA SES) has an ‘Emergency Plan’ document which can help you map out your plan. Click here to download and print.


Create an Emergency Kit

Depending on where you live and what supports you have nearby, it’s important to consider an emergency kit that you can grab and go when something like an evacuation due to bushfires occurs.

Water, medications, important documents, and first aid supplies, are some of the things that could be added to your emergency pack and be kept in a back pack in an easy-to-grab location if needed.

Once again, the SA SES has an ‘Emergency Kit Checklist document which can help you know what to take and when to pack it. Click here to download and print.


Before, During, and After an Emergency

The SA SES has a variety of information on the 4 weather emergency categories of: Flood, storm, heatwave, and marine. For information on what you should be doing to keep safe before, during, and after these weather events click here and select the relevant topic located along the top header banner.


For emergency help in a flood and storm call 132 500.

For life-threatening emergencies call 000.


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